Unique reference number EY428486
Inspection date 21/07/2022
Inspector Rachael Flesher & Joanne Valek
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All children, from babies up to pre-school, are extremely happy, settled and engaged in learning. This leads to a calm, safe and relaxed atmosphere.
Children of all ages have developed very secure relationships with staff. Children confidently go to staff when seeking comfort and cuddles or to help them resolve any conflicts or problems.
Children understand, respect, and follow the rules and routines of the setting. They are extremely kind towards each other and are developing secure and respectful friendships
Staff purposefully help children to learn to do things for themselves from a young age. This leads to high levels of independence and a determination to succeed among the children. Children delight in their achievements and bask in the copious praise they consistently receive from staff.
Children are provided with a vast range of experiences they may not have at home, such as yoga, football, dance, French, and ample opportunities to play and explore outdoors. These enhancements to the curriculum ensure children's learning and development progresses at a swift pace.
The nursery provides a truly language-rich environment. Staff fully understand the importance of children hearing and becoming familiar with lots of words to develop their communication skills, particularly after some children have fallen behind in this area due to the impact of COVID-19. They consistently encourage and reinforce babies' and toddlers' babbles and early attempts at words. They model the correct pronunciations, ensuring the children can see their mouths as they form the words. Staff constantly engage older children in conversations so they can practise and develop their communication and language skills.
Children of all ages are developing a love of books and stories. In all rooms, books are strategically placed and attractively displayed to encourage children to use them. Babies and children regularly look at books and often take their favourite ones to staff and sit themselves down on their lap, requesting they read them the story. Staff tell stories with enthusiasm, and encourage children to engage, maintaining their interest for prolonged periods. This develops children's literacy skills well, in readiness for school.
Leaders and staff are highly skilled in identifying children with additional needs and understand the importance of doing so swiftly. They have vast knowledge and experiences of supporting parents through the referral process and working with other professionals to secure services and interventions.
Staff work closely with parents to ensure they fully understand how to provide for children with allergies. Careful menu planning, and robust policies and procedures, are in place and followed. Staff are fully trained in administering emergency medication if required.
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