Unique reference number EY415315
Inspection date 10/08/2022
Inspector Rebecca Weston
View Full Report
Children thrive in the exceptional learning environment. They are highly motivated to join in with the wide range of experiences and opportunities.
Children explore using all of their senses. Young children take off their shoes and socks and giggle as they feel the sand between their toes. They watch with fascination as staff sprinkle sand onto their feet.
Children form remarkably strong attachments with the professional staff at this inclusive nursery. Children feel safe, secure and valued.
Children behave exceptionally well. They have been involved with creating the expectations and repeat these for visitors. They use impeccable manners and can be heard saying 'please' and 'excuse me' frequently throughout the day.
The support in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is excellent. All children, including those with SEND, make significant progress from their individual starting points.
Parents speak highly of the nursery's reputation. They value the excellent and wide-ranging communication that they receive. Parents describe the nursery as 'everything you could ever want'.
Leaders' knowledge and professionalism is exemplary.
Children are encouraged to be independent at every opportunity. Children are extremely confident and resilient.
Staff are particularly skilled when interacting with children as they play. Children's language development is supported extremely well.
Children understand how to look after their bodies. They regularly stop to have a drink of water on a warm day. Children make independent, healthy choices.
Children are supported effectively in preparation for the transition on to the next phase of their education. Staff have extremely strong relationships with the local schools.
Leaders give a high priority to all aspects of safeguarding. They ensure that staff are provided with regular training to keep their knowledge up to date. Staff have an excellent knowledge of what they should do if they are concerned about children's welfare.
They understand the steps to follow if they are concerned about the conduct of a colleague. Leaders ensure that recruitment and vetting procedures are robust. They carry out stringent checks on staff to ensure that they are suitable to work with children.
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