Unique reference number EY491044
Inspection date 31/01/2020
Inspector Cath Palser
View Full Report
Children are thriving. They are provided with exceptional high levels of support to help them to build strong foundations for future learning.
Children are highly motivated, confident and self-assured. They are eager to participate in superb experiences, including those that they may not otherwise have access to at home.
Children demonstrate exemplary behaviour and social skills. They delight in receiving praise for their contributions. Children celebrate their achievements together and are extremely thoughtful, kind and caring.
The management and staff team have highly ambitious expectations of themselves and what children can achieve. They are very passionate about providing all children with the best possible care and education, within a highly inclusive environment.
The management team provide staff with highly focused support and training to help them to develop their practice to an exceptional level.
Staff are excellent in helping children to become critical thinkers and solve problems. They use highly effective questioning and give children plenty of time to think and respond.
The management and staff team strive to ensure that children's safety is their utmost priority. Staff have an outstanding understanding of how to promptly deal with any concern about a child and wider safeguarding issues.
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