It is very important to establish balanced and healthy eating habits early on in life. A balanced diet is vital for a child’s growth and development. Eating habits formed in childhood have a tendency to be continued into adulthood, so if bad habits are formed they are likely to continue.
The food our children eat affects every aspect of their lives: their mood, behaviour, growth, even their ability to concentrate. Good nutrition is vital to a child's health from building strong bones and teeth to the healthy development of internal organs and overall growth.
All our food is healthy, tasty and cooked on nursery premises in well equipped kitchens using fresh, wholesome ingredients. All of our nurseries have a dedicated professional chef who is well trained in producing the excellent standards of food required, using only fresh ingredients.
We believe that meal-times should be a happy, sociable time where different, healthy foods are tasted and eating skills can be developed.
All our food is healthy, tasty and cooked on nursery premises by dedicated professional chefs, well trained in producing the excellent standards of food in well equipped kitchens using fresh, wholesome ingredients. Our Nursery Menu is carefully devised to provide delicious and nutritious homecooked food. It is reviewed regularly and reflects cultural diversity and variation.
We also offer a Vegetarian Menu, a Vegan Menu, a Dairy Free Menu, a Baby Menu and if necessary we will devise an ‘Own Menu’ for individual children so we can cater for all children, regardless of their religious beliefs, stage of development, food allergies and intolerances. We care for a significant number of children with serious food allergies so all of our nurseries are nut free, peanut free and egg free.
We provide a balanced and healthy breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea for the children and milk and water is available for the children throughout the day. We use the long established, Village Butcher in Tottington to supply all our nurseries with fresh, high quality, locally sourced meat and local dairies to supply our milk.
For our babies, solid food is prepared to suit the individual needs of each child. Weaning starts with freshly prepared vegetables and fruit purees and gradually the introduction of meat and fish in accordance with the latest health advice. We are not able to accommodate baby-led weaning in our group childcare environment because of the associated risks of choking. However, finger foods such as the toast and garlic pitta can be served alongside the main meal from 6 months old and we will work with parents to ensure that children develop healthy appetites and interest in food.
Bury Council’s Food Safety Team, and Bury Primary Care Trust’s Community Nutritionist designed the ‘Golden Apple Awards’ scheme to encourage healthy eating practices in nursery settings and to help prevent tooth decay, improve nutrition and improve hand hygiene amongst children in their care.
There are three grades within the 'Golden Apple Awards' scheme, Gold, Silver and Bronze. The Mulberry Bush Nursery Group is proud to have been awarded the ‘Gold’ standard in all of its nurseries. We understand the importance of good dental health and healthy eating. We feel we can make a difference through the meals and snacks that we provide, as well as through educating children and their families.
The aims of the scheme are;
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